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Showing posts from June, 2015

Waiting at the Toll Bridge {#22}

It has taken me longer than usual to get my energy back post-school-year.  I think the heat we’ve been dealing with (and some unusual humidity at times) has something to do with it.  But I am getting my feet back under me and heading into the busy July weeks! So, for a fun coincidence (and not the first!), the date of my last blog was May 14th.  Unknown to us at the time, May 14th is our Logged In Date (the day China officially received our dossier)!!!  So while I was updating everyone about our progress, even more progress was being made.  From there, the dossier headed into the translation room. Our dossier came out of the translation room a little over a week ago AND . . . China requested more paperwork regarding my medications.  Thanks to some amazing help from friends, that information is ready to submit and will be heading out (electronically AND via snail mail) tomorrow.  As far as we can tell, this is the last piece of the puzzle for LOA and online pictures!  I am so excited ab