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Showing posts from May, 2015

Time for a Pit Stop {#21}

We are 2-and a-half-weeks away from Summer Break!  Which is absolutely critical because this mommy/homeschool teacher is just about done in!  I thought that LAST semester was crazy, but this one took home the gold. On the adoption front, we are learning how true all of the warnings were that nothing works on our schedule and definitely not quickly enough.  But we are making steady, tortoise-like progress.  April and May have continued to be intense on the fund-raising front.  Garage Sales #1 and #2 have occurred, bring in a combined $1,762.00.  Thank you again to everyone that has donated items to and shopped at the Online Sale/Garage Sales!   It has been a substantial blessing to us!  We have also submitted several grant applications with more to go. On April 29th, WE RECEIVED IMMIGRATION APPROVAL!  It only ended up being about 2 weeks earlier than I had estimated, but that one page of official paperwork was a beautiful thing!  We are officially approved by the United States Cit