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Showing posts from 2015

Airport Exit -- 10 Miles [Part 2] {#28}

Our China Itinerary [Note: Other than departure/arrive home days, this is in China time, 16 hours in the "future."] October 30 : Hubby and I fly out in the morning.  We fly into the future!  October 31 : We arrive in Nanchang in the evening.  A guide will meet us at the airport and help us check into our hotel. November 1 : Gotcha Day!!!  We will meet Baby for the first time at our hotel at 4:30; if we understand correctly, they will be bringing her directly to our room.  We do not know if we will get to meet her foster mom.  We will have a short time with whoever brings her to us, and then they leave her with us.  Yes, just like that!  We will spend the rest of the day getting to know her and calming her and hoping that we all get some sleep that night. November 2 : The next morning, we will fill out the paperwork at the local civil office.  We will be getting our Adoption Certificate. November 3-5 : Free Time (waiting for Baby’s passport).  We ended up with an

Airport Exit -- 10 Miles [Part 1] {#27}

So we’ve had 5 weeks of fantastic things! September 11 : I woke up to a WONDERFUL email . . . our NVC (National Visa Center) letter had arrived.  That was the last piece of the puzzle for our Article 5 paperwork.  From that point, it was an estimated 4 weeks to TA (Travel Approval) and then ~2 weeks until we fly. September 16 : We were told that Article 5 pick-up would be on Monday the 21st.  It would go from the consulate to the CCCWA.  We were looking to be a little ahead of schedule! September 22 : We received our second grant award letter from Gift of Adoption !  [Our first grant was from Show Hope .] September 23 : We found out that our Article 5 pick-up had been delayed by a week.  It was a little ahead of schedule, and then it was a little behind.  Thus is the adoption process!  That put our estimated departure back to the last week of October. September 25 : WE’RE FULLY FUNDED!!!  We received a confirmation email that morning from the JSC Foundation , and between our

Transitioning: A Letter to Family and Friends {#26}

Dear Family and Friends:                                                                            After so much preparing, hoping and waiting – our precious little one is almost home!  Because we know you care for our child and our family, we want to share with you some information that we hope will best equip everyone around her to assist us in laying the strongest and healthiest foundation – emotionally, physically and spiritually. As we have been preparing to bring Baby home, we have researched bonding and attachment in children, especially those coming home through adoption.  For many children raised thus far in institutions, a natural trust of their parents has never been established and will take more time to form between her and us beginning the day we meet her.  We want her to first establish a healthy connection with us as her parents so it may overflow into relationships with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends!  At first, we will have a lot of structure, bound

The Terror of a Dream Come True {#25}

We are on the edge of a series of adventures.   Our first international flight. Our first time off this continent. Our first adoption. Our first time flying (12 hours!) with a toddler. Our first time as a family of 6. Are we ever excited!  I mean, I have dreamed of this since I was 17 years old!  My first adoption blog talked about my dream in glowing color (purple, to be exact).  The wonder, the excitement, the joy of bringing home a little girl from China!  Those feelings are even more true today. And yet, a piece of my heart is absolutely, unequivocally terrified!  Deep-down, shaking-at-the-roots, want-to-sob terror.  Because in the last 17 months of research, planning, working, training, fundraising, dialoguing, networking, watching, learning, and waiting, I have been inundated with some harsh truths about adoption.  They all boil down to this simple formula: One of the best days of our life is going to be one of the worst of hers.   She doesn’t know that it is a goo

Signpost: Road Ends Ahead! {#24}

If all goes according to the usual time lines, we will be heading to China in ~6 weeks!  I awoke this morning to a fantastic surprise in my email box . . . our NVC (National Visa Center) letter!  This is the LAST piece of the puzzle stateside, and once it arrives in China, our Article 5 paperwork will be sent to the consulate there.  Once approved, it will be forwarded to the CCCWA (China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption).  They will issue our TA (Travel Approval).  It takes an estimated 4 weeks from Article 5 to TA and then we fly out about 2 weeks after that! On the funding front , we are an (estimated) $6,000 to fully funded!  More good news this week is that we moved on to the next stage of consideration for one of our grant applications and should find out in a couple of weeks.  Another grant should be denied or awarded by the end of the month.  That initial amount seems so daunting at the time, but where the Lord calls, He will provide (and expects us to do our part). 

Short Path to the Finish Line {#23}

This is horribly, terribly overdue!  I can’t believe how long it’s been since I blogged.  Over 2 months!  But enough of the lamenting . . . on to the good (and/or crazy) stuff! Part of the reason it has taken so long to get back to blogging is that my mom decided to shake things up in early July by taking a tumble 8-feet off of a ladder onto a concrete floor.  One ambulance ride, lots of bruises, a broken wrist, and two surgeries later, she is starting physical therapy and thankful it was “only” a wrist.  So I haven’t had the quiet of Nana and Grandpa Days to allow for blogging like usual . . . and this was NOT a case of only appreciating it when it was gone, so definitely glad she is on the mend!  On July 21st, we got our first grant ACCEPTANCE letter. $5,000!  Such a wonderful blessing and example of the Lord’s provision!  We are waiting to hear back on other grant applications, but we are ~$7,000 away from fully-funded! On July 22nd, we got to experience another blessing (and

People You Meet When You Sell Used Stuff Online

1. The “Brilliant Negotiator”         Item A, listed at $50             B.N. “What is lowest price you will take?”          Me. “Make me an offer.”         B.N. “What’s your BOTTOM LINE?”         Me. “$45"         B.N. “Will you take $40?”         [Face Palm] 2. The “Car-Less Buyer”         Item B, listed for $5         C.B. “I LOVE this item, I really want it, but I don’t have a car.  I am trying to                  find a ride.”         Me. “Okay, let me know.”         C.B. “I can meet you tomorrow, my boyfriend/mother/grandmother is giving                  me a ride.”         Me. “Great!”         [They don’t show up . . . text received 10 minutes after meeting time.]         C.B. “My ride fell through.  I really, really want the Item B.  Will you deliver?                 30 miles away?         [The sound of my teeth grinding scares my kids.] 3. The “Why-would-I-bother-to-read-the-entire-ad” (W.R.)         Item C, listed for $20, in my town, size and con

Waiting at the Toll Bridge {#22}

It has taken me longer than usual to get my energy back post-school-year.  I think the heat we’ve been dealing with (and some unusual humidity at times) has something to do with it.  But I am getting my feet back under me and heading into the busy July weeks! So, for a fun coincidence (and not the first!), the date of my last blog was May 14th.  Unknown to us at the time, May 14th is our Logged In Date (the day China officially received our dossier)!!!  So while I was updating everyone about our progress, even more progress was being made.  From there, the dossier headed into the translation room. Our dossier came out of the translation room a little over a week ago AND . . . China requested more paperwork regarding my medications.  Thanks to some amazing help from friends, that information is ready to submit and will be heading out (electronically AND via snail mail) tomorrow.  As far as we can tell, this is the last piece of the puzzle for LOA and online pictures!  I am so excited ab

Time for a Pit Stop {#21}

We are 2-and a-half-weeks away from Summer Break!  Which is absolutely critical because this mommy/homeschool teacher is just about done in!  I thought that LAST semester was crazy, but this one took home the gold. On the adoption front, we are learning how true all of the warnings were that nothing works on our schedule and definitely not quickly enough.  But we are making steady, tortoise-like progress.  April and May have continued to be intense on the fund-raising front.  Garage Sales #1 and #2 have occurred, bring in a combined $1,762.00.  Thank you again to everyone that has donated items to and shopped at the Online Sale/Garage Sales!   It has been a substantial blessing to us!  We have also submitted several grant applications with more to go. On April 29th, WE RECEIVED IMMIGRATION APPROVAL!  It only ended up being about 2 weeks earlier than I had estimated, but that one page of official paperwork was a beautiful thing!  We are officially approved by the United States Cit

Leap (over a) Month {#20}

Somehow I feel like I lost a month . . . seriously, where did March go?  I realize that I haven’t blogged in forever.  I’ve barely posted on Facebook.  But blogging about our adoption journey is important for many reasons, including my wanting to remember this process and share it with Sibyl when she is home.  So time for some catch-up! January 2015 saw us waiting (and waiting and waiting) for the home study process to move along as well as finishing collecting our dossier documents.  On January 22, all of the original dossier documents were mailed to our agency!  You know that feeling you get when your tax return has been submitted (and you are getting money back)?  That feeling times 10!  We also got 3 precious new pictures of Sibyl on January 5th and the disc with the original pictures/video from August 2014 PLUS pictures and 1 minute of video that we hadn’t seen.  It is such a treat to get to see her sweet face! Original Dossier Documents Ready to Mail! February 2015 had s

Adoption Fundraiser Sharing {#19}

[The following was an oral presentation at our fundraising event on February 28, 2015.] On January 7, 2013, I posted my first blog about adoption.  I shared about how I first heard of the plight of little girls in China during a high school presentation and how at that moment, I felt the calling to adopt a little girl from China someday.  In that first blog, I wrote: “The Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu said ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’  This is my single step – my declaration that 2013 will see us doing mountains of paperwork and making life-changing decisions and trusting God for financial provision to bring our next daughter home.  She may already be waiting for us or she may yet to be born, but she will be known even in her birth mother’s womb before I have the privilege of knowing her and holding her close.”   Unknown to me at the time, Sibyl’s mother was 8 months pregnant with her, my next daughter. When Hubby and I started our relationship, I made

Road Signs {#18}

When traveling in a new land, it helps to know the lingo.  As we have found ourselves immersed in the adoption culture, we have learned a new language of sorts.  A prime example is my posting of this picture of our original dossier documents ready to mail: On my timeline, I explained what it meant.  In my agency’s adoption group, I simply stated what it was.  And on my timeline, lots of congratulations!  In the group, it launched a full back-and-forth discussion full of lingo.  A cultural coming together.  One of my comments read: “ I love chatting with people who are in the adoption culture. It's like not having to explain a foreign language! ” One definite blessing of the internet during this process! For those of you who are traveling this road with me but occasionally feel like you are reading a foreign language, I want to explain what some of the "road signs" mean.  #1 - An alias.  You know our little girl as Sibyl, but that is not actually her real (or le

Pause for Reflection {#17}

As we have begun 2015, the year in which we will bring home our next daughter home from China, I find myself reflecting on the process thus far.  How far we've come since last spring !  I began tentatively looking into adoption agencies and soon found myself in the whirlwind of finding Sibyl and moving forward with our official paperwork.  So as I pause, here are some of the thoughts and blessings we experienced. 1. Finding Sibyl!   She was the 7th file that we tried to review and only the second file that we got to review.  We had to go through the pain of returning a file for another sweet little girl and trusting that we would be led to our next daughter.  This is a highly personal and individual process that all of our new adoptive friends on FB have also had to go through. 2. The blessings that have come in financially !  Several direct donations and quite a few "tips" on items that we have sold are all greatly appreciated!  We have several fantastic friends g