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Showing posts from September, 2014

Moving Forward {#11}

I get to write this blog post!  We have submitted the paperwork with our new agency to request our waivers . . . which you may recall means that WE HAVE FOUND A MATCH! After reviewing and returning the file for little girl “Iy,” I had come to two realizations.  1. That Hubby and I were both feeling strongly and persistently drawn to the idea that our next daughter would have hearing loss.  2. That in this part of the process, the main “currency” is timeliness.  So I began a new routine . . . every morning, I would sit down to breakfast at my computer and go through my bookmarked lists looking for new listings that might meet our parameters. On Thursday, September 18th, I was looking online yet again when I saw a new listing.  Less than 12 hours after it appeared online, I called the agency to request to review her file.  Late that night (after much extra effort on the inquiry specialist’s part to get us the information after their internet went down!), we met Sibyl (not her real name b

Here We Stand {#10}

It has been almost 4 weeks since I’ve blogged . . . and what a crazy 4 weeks!  We finished off summer with a family vacation to the coast and then started 2nd grade with Firstborn and preschool with the twins.  Along with a bunch of new teaching opportunities and the fall re-start of extracurricular fun.  In the midst of all that, things have NOT been silent on the adoption front.  In this instance, though, I am going to tell you the end of the story first . . . we are basically back where we started, although a little more experienced from the detour. Again, I want to stress, we are not the norm when it comes to the beginning of this journey.  Most of the time, you complete mountains of paperwork for a country from which you qualify for adoption.  But since our hearts are still with China, we are reversing the process to find the child BEFORE the main bulk of the paperwork.  No easy task indeed. To make the new information a bit less confusing, I am going to borrow a method from