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Showing posts from August, 2014

Fork in the Road {#9}

The wall will not be moved.  Although we have not received official confirmation from the agency due to a vacation absence, Child A is no longer listed on the waiting child list and Child B is "On Hold" as we were warned would probably happen.  It seems that our path does not lie in this direction. And so we take another path.  I have begun an inquiry with a third agency regarding a potential match (the other little girl I referenced in my last post).  A positive to beginning again the process of acquainting ourselves with an agency is that this agency is also a Christian agency.  There is a good measure of peace in knowing that we are working with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for the placement of these dear little ones! As we wait for word from the new agency, please be lifting Child A and Child B up in prayer as they are in process to meeting their forever families.  The most difficult part of that whole process was not knowing the type of home that they will b