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Showing posts from June, 2014

Tiptoe or Leap? {#5}

Bringing the school year to an end (cheers for finishing homeschool 1st grade with Firstborn!) and preparing for our spring dance performance AND finishing our backyard project (woohoo!) have kept us very busy for the last 2 weeks, which is how long it has been since I’ve posted an update.  And things have not been quiet in the area of adoption either! First, the “bad” news.  On Monday June 2nd, I got a call from our adoption agency, All God’s Children International . . . there is no child currently meeting our parameters on the Waiting Child list.  Our case worker did assure me that the China director was pleased with our Medical Conditions parameters and what we are open to accepting.  The largest two factors making it difficult to match us with a child right now are gender (girls make up less than half of the Waiting Child list) and age (10 months or more younger than the twins, so 2 ½ max). In the meantime, our application was preliminarily accepted, and I began another round