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Showing posts from March, 2014

Fun or Whimsy [Project 24 #15]

This is certainly an apt topic for someone who calls herself a whimsical realist.  The side of me that speaks whimsically had been put on mute more and more in recent years of my life.  As a mom of 3 young children, the tyranny of the urgent absorbs almost all of my “spare” time.  And potty-training the twins (just turned 3) and teaching reading to Firstborn (almost 7) has made this semester the busiest of my parenting to date.  So when do I find a moment for whimsy? 1. Taking out the garbage.  That’s right – I am alone outside, usually at night, and I can drink in the outside air and appreciate the twinkling stars! 2. When my children say “Catch me” or “Neener-neener.”  I can’t always do it, but when I can, I put down what I’m doing, turn into the tickle monster, and chase my giggling victims. 3. The victory when all offspring are settled in bed.  This is the golden hour of the day.  The deep-sigh moment when I get to take off my Mommy-Hat (at least until I hear the cries

Absence makes the heart . . .

I had the best of intentions.  Truly I did.  But two things reached out and snatched away my time (and little remaining sanity) -- the dreaded "holiday rush" and cold-and-flu season.  Oh, the illnesses with which we have contended!  There is an oh-so-neat trick about twins (cough, cough) -- they share EVERY virus!  And since their little immune systems are at the same place, they also get a LOT of them.  So I am past the point of hoping for that illusive "free time" to blog.  I'm determined to carve it out of my chaos (case-in-point, I have stopped at least 7 times while writing this to help Firstborn with her bookwork).  I am also going to sacrifice most of the remaining Project 24 topics (hey, they said to tailor it to your needs!).  I have two or three more that I want to hit on, then it's onto some topics that I have been gathering in my mind.  So here we go (again) with the best of intentions!