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Showing posts from May, 2013

With a Prop [Project 24 #6]

Almost caught up with the Project 24 fun for April!  The "end" of cold and flu season certainly wasn't March for us!  But Hubby and I managed to sneak in our Christmas present of a weekend without kids.  We enjoyed 3 days around our home while our 3 kids enjoyed grandparents, an aunt, and 3 of the cousins.  Great things come in 3's! "With a Prop" isn't exactly a topic that needs explaining.  It was, however, a fun topic to pursue with my camera phone and Hubby during our weekend of freedom.  He takes the best picture when he has something to pose with . . . and we found a lot of great props in Old Sacramento and the Lassen Volcanic National Park area. At Ikea.  We started without a cart, and I just kept adding and adding and adding.  We also eventually left with two HUGE boxes containing Firstborn's new loft bed. The hat!  Oh, the hat!  I could go on and on and on about Indiana Jones' hat . . . perhaps it deserves its own blog p

Depth of Field [Project 24 #5]

Well, I've gotten VERY behind on the Project 24 entries.  We've had a rough month for illness (colds and flus making the rounds between 3 kids and 2 worn-out parents).  I didn't think of anything particularly brilliant to say about "Depth of Field."  But I did take a picture (Yes, I took it!  Amazing, no?) with my camera phone while in the mountains with my hubby that I thought captured the essence of the topic.  And the best part was, it was right next to a field!  Depth of Field Explained [Project 24 is a Creative Photography Challenge that I am applying to my own art form -- writing -- and pursuing with several photographer friends via Facebook.]