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Showing posts from April, 2013

My Last Day

It is often said, “Live every day like it is your last.”  To this, I respond, “Yeah, right!” It is a ridiculous statement.  Or, at the very least, wholly impractical.  The main impetus is to motivate me to do all those things that I’ve been putting off.  To stop procrastinating.  To not waste time.  At the same time, there are a multitude of things that I don’t get to spend every day ignoring because (assuming that I will actually survive past today) they are necessary for continued functioning. Nevertheless, it brings up an intriguing line of thought for me.  If I knew that it were my last day on earth, here is the list of things that I WOULDN’T do! 1. Set my alarm clock .  Hey, it’s my last chance to sleep in (something that I’ve pretty much given up since becoming a parent!). 2. Eat a healthy breakfast .  Bring on the homemade waffles, covered in real butter and warm syrup.  Don’t forget the side of bacon! 3. Wash the dishes .  My kitchen seems to take the dirty dishes and l