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Showing posts from February, 2013

The Rule of Thirds [Project 24 #2]

I love learning something new!  When I looked at topic #2 for Project 24, I realized that it must be referring to something photographic.  The Rule of Thirds is a guide for off-center placement of the subject in photographs.  This may even improve my own EXTREMELY amateur photos.  But I also love how it explains why some pictures are aesthetically pleasing while others flop.  Because while I don’t take outstanding photos, I definitely appreciate looking at them. There is something almost instinctive about looking at and liking a photo that follows this rule.  Rule of Thirds -- Explained and Displayed Apart from the photographic applications of the Rule of Thirds, when I first read those words, I had an entirely different thought.  In my home, the rule of thirds is very much active – every time I have something to give to my three adorable little cretins!  Every parent can understand what I mean by this.  “If she gets some, then I get some!”  This reaction is also quite instinctive,

The Hat of All Hats [Project 24 #1]

It is said that we all wear many hats . . . husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, cook, chauffeur, friend . . . the list would go on and on and on.  But in the literal sense, there are thousands of hats worn every day.  Many of them are distinctive to our occupations, but some hats are just plain fun.  And probably one of (if not THE) most recognizable hats in the world is a simple cap with two round protrusions.  The famous Mickey Mouse ears! Mickey Mouse is the 3rd most recognizable character in the WORLD after Santa Claus and Ronald McDonald.  Between its opening in 1955 and its 50th anniversary in 2005, Disneyland alone sold 78 million pairs of Mickey Mouse ears.  That is enough to adorn every child in America under the age of 18! “The all-time most popular Disneyland souvenir is a pair of personalized Mickey Mouse ears.  While the embroidery is free, the Mat Hatter and other shops that sell them will not allow guests to have them adorned with the name of a famous pers

A Day at Disneyland

[Written shortly after our trip in November 2012] Impatient waiting.  Air of expectation.  Gates open!  Enter Main Street.  Nostalgia welling.  Lights twinkling.  Skipping feet.  Spot the castle gleaming brightly.  Head into the future.  Fly in space.  Meet an android.  Race around the stars in darkness.  Dance with Jedi.  Swim with Nemo.  Race away from abominable snowmen.  Pixie Hollow, full of fairies.  It’s a Small World after all.  Into Toon Town.  Shake hands with Mickey.  Tea with Minnie in the garden.  Grab a train ride.  Travel to New Orleans.  Jazz music softly playing.  Into the pirates lair.  Yo ho, yo ho, over to Pooh Corner.  Play a game of Pooh Sticks there.  Take the plunge into the briar patch.  Back to Adventure now.  Run away from snakes with Indy.  Take a jungle tour around.  Kick your heels up in the Golden Horseshoe.  Hold on tight through the wildest ride in the wilderness.  Now into the world of fantasy.  Soar with Dumbo.  Avoid strangers with apples.  Sail