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Showing posts from December, 2012

To Behold the Beauty

As far back as I can remember, I have loved the beautiful and despised the ugly.  The truly ugly, not the “beautiful in the eyes of the beholder” type of stuff, but the bottom-of-the-barrel grotesque.  However, this post is not about the ugly.  It’s about the beautiful! A clear night sky: Crushed velvet that the stars twinkle from like so many diamonds in a jeweler’s display.  The fiery dance of Van Gogh’s Starry Night, a blazing tumult over the sleeping town.  A cloth draped over a dome, with pin pricks illuminated by the glory beyond. North Coast Redwoods: The soft sound of moss and damp earth underfoot.  Light filtering through a thousand green branches, bathing everything emerald.  The scent of a millennium years of death and rebirth, one never present without the other. Waterfalls: The continuous cascade of silver pouring over the wet-blackened rocks.  Ferns clinging bravely between the stones.  The foaming torrents into a calm, cool pool beneath. I love them!  I love stars and re